In a World where hatred, wars, separation, evil, death, racism, prejudice, inclusion, are news headlines, philosophical problems, new terminologies, the attempt to limit complex issues to make people understand the depth of human nature, I wonder.
Speaking about inclusiveness, about making as many individuals as possible enjoy a right or participate in a system or activity, counteracting the discrimination and intolerance produced by insipience, judgments, prejudices, stereotypes, forms of racism, I wonder about and want to make people think about some psychologically disturbing conditions. Individuals with cognitive deficits involving studies of psychopathy, borderline personality, malignant and perverse narcissism, arrogate to themselves the right to rape human lives and other animal species in the wild. Without any humanity, they steal life energy from the creatures with whom they weave deadly relationships. The studies, research, visceral struggle waged in the depths of the Abyss, dedication, discipline, and intent always drive and sustain me to voice many questions.
I consider it important to be of help in cases of conditions of mental weakness and lack of control of impulses and emotions, when one is marked by an iron certainty in condemning Evil in the beings and Monsters behind masks.
I ask myself, "What are the roots, our roots?"
I am increasingly driven to inquiry to draw lines backward in an attempt to understand. As if to save the past by understanding them, to improve the future by living them.
«Humans believe that I have come to bring peace to the World, and they do not know that I have come to bring discord, fire, sword and war to the Earth».